Changing link colours only on portfolio entry cover

Hi, Is it possible to change the link text colours on the portfolio entry cover only? As you can see on my site the text is not visible unless hovered! I don’t want to change the main link colours
many thanks,


Hi there,

First of all please kindly consider that it is very important to update your theme to the latest version for compatibility and other issues. Kindly make a complete backup of your website and update your theme to version 5.1.0 and cornerstone to version 2.0.5:

For the question, please kindly add the CSS code below to Appearance > Customise > additional CSS:

.x-iso-container-portfolio .entry-featured:hover .entry-title.entry-title-portfolio a,
.x-iso-container-portfolio .entry-featured:hover .entry-cover-content {
	color:  hsl(351,87%,42%);

Thank you.

Brilliant, thank you Christopher.
Can i also hide the word “Gallery”?

Hello Nicky,

Yes, using CSS we can hide ‘Gallery’ text. Please add following CSS in theme option panel:

.entry-cover-content span:nth-child(1) {
    display: none;

Let us know how it goes.
