Changed website address

Hello. I just changed my website address, It is hosted with godaddy, I changed it on my cpanel hosting and I also changed the address on apex. But when I log into the wordpress admin and try to launch my X theme i get an error

File not found (404 error)
If you think what you’re looking for should be here, please contact the site owner.

and the web address of this error is my

How can I get my old site to show up with my new web address?

It appears as if my license if not validated. When I go to enter the code on wordpress and hit enter - it turns into a blank white page. or when i click “fix” it takes me to the 404 error again.

Have you checked wordpress general settings and checked both site address url and wordpress address url are the same?

You may need to change either one to make sure they are all saying the same address.

What you can also do is download Velvet Blues Update URLs its a plugin that will update all the old existing urls to the new ones and help clear up a lot of problems with redirects and what not

Ensure you use the plugin at least twice or three times so it does the job thoroughly and check the plugin instructions out to make sure it does the job correctly.

Hope this helps!

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This worked beautifully, Thanks so much! (the wordpress general settings)

Awesome glad I could help!!

Glad to hear this is resolved. Just wanted to provide further details.

When you change your domain (website address), it’s essentially considered a migration. We have a guide on WordPress migration which is also connected to Cornerstone at

Hope that helps.

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