Change Button Colour

How can I change button colours? I would like to make it black.

I added this CSS but it doesn’t work: {
color: #000000;
border-color: #000000;
} {
  color: #ffffff;
  border-color: #600900;

Hello Sheena,

Thanks for writing in!

You do not need a custom css to change the button styling. To change your button and its styling, please go to X > Theme Options > Buttons. You should be able to select the text color and the color of the text when hovered.

Hope this helps.

Thanks - this method makes all my buttons the same colour & style though?

What code do I add so the link opens in a new window? Thanks. This is what I have now:

[button type=“flat” shape=“square” size=“x-large” href=“” title=“Example”]Enter[/button]


You can add target attribute to your button shortcode to make it open in New Window.


[button target="blank" type="flat" shape="square" size="x-large" href="" title="Example"]Enter[/button]

If you would like to style it individually, you can add a class attribute.

[button class="custom-button" target="blank" type="flat" shape="square" size="x-large" href="" title="Example"]Enter[/button]

Then you can style it using that class.

.x-btn.custom-button:hover {
     color: #ffffff;
     border-color: #600900;

For more information kindly refer to the link below


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