Change breakpoint for mobile Pro header

I am working on this site which has two headers, one for the front page and one for all other pages. I think the menu breakpoint occurs too soon. The screen has to be very wide for it to no change to mobile menu, how and where can I change the point to where it changes to mobil menu to have the nomal navigation last longer?
I´ve looked through most of the options in the pro header menus but maybe I have overlooked something. For most of the similar issues it requires some extra code/css

Hello @Ariell,

Thanks for writing in! I have checked your site and you have set the navigation inline to be hidden in large and medium screens. Please edit your header and make sure that the navigation inline element should only be hidden in medium, small and extra small screens only. You can check this in the “Hide During Breakpoints” option in the navigation inline settings. To know more about “Hide During Breakpoint” option, please check this:

Please let us know how it goes.

That worked awesome! thank you!

You are most welcome!

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