Change Blog Title Font

I saw an earlier post on how to do this and it was frightening.

Is there a simple means of doing this in Pro? I’m not keen on Raleway as a main header.


Hi @PlanetPluto,

There is an option in Pro > Theme Options > Typography > Headings then set the Heading Font there.

The blog title is a heading html element so if you change the settings in the theme options for the headings, the blog title should be changes as well.

Hope this helps.

Thank you…that worked.

Could you also tell me how to change the font of the Headline element to say “Merriweather”.


Hello @PlanetPluto,

The headline element has it’s default font setting. Simply click the headline element and in the element setting, find the Text Format option and set the Font Family to “Heading Font”.

The Merriweather should have been assigned to Heading Font already in the font manager. To get familiar with the Font Manager, please check this out:

Hope this helps.

Thanks so much. Your help is amazing.

Thanks, @PlanetPluto, we do our best :blush:

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