Center logo and remove sticky on tablet, mobil

Hi. I choose the standard middle header, but how do i get my logo to be centered on mobile. Also. I want the sticky bar for desktop, but no sticky bar on mobile and tablet. Thanks for any input and support

Hi there!

For mobile are you going for a two dropdown menus on the left and right or one touch area control? If you could link me to the site, I can take a look at the current setup and see what you have to advise.

For the sticky bar on desktop, you’ll need to add an extra bar for mobile and tablet and then set the sticky bar on desktop to only show for that device using the visibility indicators.

Any issues or questions, we’re here to help.


Hi Jack. One dropdown on mobile on the right. Thanks for Sticky bar advice. I will do so when I am finished with the menu then. Again, thankful for any help I can get. Link:

Hi There,

Please add the following CSS under Customizer > Custom > Global CSS:

a.hm11.x-anchor.x-anchor-menu-item.x-interactive.x-active ~ ul.sub-menu {
    height: auto !important;

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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