Catalog Tags not showing H1 title when site scan

I need to figure out how to fix the category and tag files so they have a h1 title header. Do I need to add some script to a file? Or why is the H1 headers just showing “nothing to show here” it is dinging the SEO so this needs to be fixed.

Hi Melissa,

Thanks for reaching out.

It has H1, and it’s Nothing to Show Right Now

That’s because they are non-existing pages or categories. It shouldn’t be indexed since it’s 404 (Not found page). But the reason could be is, it serves a 200 HTTP status instead of 404, do you have URL rewrites or permalink customization or PHP coding that alters HTTP responses?

Please provide your admin login credentials in the secure note, and for the meantime, please check for the following first:

  1. Ensure everything is up to date according to our version compatibility list at Please follow the best practices when updating your theme and plugins. See for more details.

  2. If you’re using a caching plugin, clear all caches including browser cache then deactivate your caching plugin and other optimization plugins.

  3. If you’re using a CDN, please clear the CDN’s cache and disable optimization services.

  4. Test for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

  5. Reset your htaccess file by renaming it to .htaccess-bak. Then in WP Admin Menu, go to Settings > Permalinks and just click the Save Changes button.


This is my first time replying on this forum, how do I reply privately in a secure note? I have looked up in your forum on how to send a secure note and it states there will be a button located at the end of the message but the only send button is an Inline reply.

Yes, I know that it has an “auto” H1 coder in the script somewhere because I have no access to adjust that “nothing to show right now” which is an auto statement. It is also showing mass duplicates on the site because of this dinging my SEO for just that reason.

I do not believe there is a custom PHP coding that alters the HTTP responses but, I am just taking over this website from an already built state. And am completely unfamilar with this error.

I have tried to update everything,
I have no current cache plugin
I am not using a CDN on this website
I have tried to update the htaaccess

There just seems to be an automatic built in H1 that places this in the code somewhere and I can not adjust it very easily.

Hey Melissa,

We’d like to check your site. You may need to create a secure note and add your WP credentials in it. To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:

Thank you in advance.

Ok, I just see that when I post i get an option then to send a secure not but it is not under your reply it is now under my own reply. I will send a login after this message.

Hello Melissa,

You have added several Media Categories which is why the media category archive were being indexed. The problem is that it does not display anything all because you did not assign any media element to any of those media categories.

To resolve this issue, please go to Media > Categories and removed all the media categories because you are not using it. Only the Posts > Categories were used in your site at the moment.

Please let us know how it goes.

Removing them doesn’t fix the issue though other than deleting it which would create a deleted 301 page and a redirect to where? … at that point it dings the SEO as well. Is there a way I can edit the category and tag so they still have the key wording.and edit the H1. If I delete them it really doesn’t fix the issue just makes it go awaytemporarily … then when we use these categories for SEO reasons , it will apear again. So I would rather just address the issue of H1 coding now.

Hi Melissa,

I’m not sure why it has to indexed the non-existing ones. It’s like requiring you to add something not really needed, especially nothing in it but just title. And that itself is bad for SEO even if you just added a title.

I think removing it should fix it, then just re-index them again so it knows those aren’t there anymore. Just like how Google works, it can crawl it and re-index it, you can also manually request removal of the URL from them.


So, several images actually are using the category just some I havent assigned a category. If you scroll down you will see several images have categories, these are currently being used by the grid plugin so essentially if I delete the category every grid on my website will be deleted.

Can we find the snipit of code that is causing this h1 issue in the theme?

Hi Melissa,

The Nothing to Show Right Now is a 404 page which appears if user access the non-existing page, files, or any resources of the page. It’s Wordpress’ default functionality, then only styled and customized the wording through the theme but it still a 404 page. Even if you’re able to remove it from Wordpress, host level still has its own 404 page, all hosting has its own error pages. Example

Again, I’m not sure why it needs to index something that doesn’t exist. I think what needs fixing is removing those or by excluding them from SEO indexing process. Example


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