Can't find Expanded or Standard Demo in X-Pro

I have installed Pro and using the Pro Child Theme. I tried to find and use the Agency Expanded Theme. I cannot find ANY Standard or Expanded theme on the Validation Page, in fact under Theme Options Manager it says Choose an XCS file or drag it here to import. I have looked at this forum, and online and on videos to see if I can sort this out or find how to get this content. Please Help as I would guess that either Pro doesn’t support this kind of content, something is missing or there is a problem. Please help.

Hello Stuart,

Pro does not have the Demo Import feature but Pro has the Design Cloud feature where you can choose designs that you can import on your site.

Please check this link for more information:

Hope this helps.

Hi Jade. You’re an absolute hero! Thanks a million. Understandably the Pro version is for advanced use, however I just needed a quick starting point and you’ve answered the question perfectly. Thanks a million again!

Glad we were able to help :slight_smile:

I looked around Design Cloud and cannot find how to locate demo files/options. And the things I did see there didn’t make it obvious how I’m supposed to download them.

If your Pro theme is supposed to be an improvement on X, I think you missed the boat by removing the demo content. Pro user or not, demo content is always a super fast way to get started with samples of a lot of things to modify. You should make it clear in your promotional “up-sell” from X that you loose the demo content. If I had known that, I wouldn’t have upgraded to Pro. But perhaps that’s the reason you do not communicate the absence of demo content in Pro.

Please explain detail how the design cloud can provide me with an equivalent to demo content (and how to access and download that content… OR… tell me how I can get a refund for the Pro upcharge and go back to using X. Thanks.

Hi There,

Please follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Template Manager page, then click the Design Cloud button on the top right:

  • Then you will see all the template of headers, footer, contents:

  • You can aslo easily filter the templates by clicking the filter menu on the top:

  • After installed a template, you just need to go back to your header/footer/content builder then apply this template:

For more information, please take a look at this:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Doesn’t seem like the Design Cloud is going anywhere. Not much there and hasn’t changed in a while.

Right now it pales in comparison to jumpstarting a site to the Demo Content.

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Thank you for your feedback. If you happen to have an X site you can load the demo there then export the templates and load them to your PRO sites. For now that’s the only way to load X demo into PRO.


I can’t get this to work on my site. Dashboard menu not even the same.

Hey Penny,

I’m sorry but I’m not sure what’s the issue on your end. Please open a separate thread and detail what’s your issue and provide screenshots. Also provide the URL of your site or the specific page in question.


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