Call-out Custom Header Template on Page Template

I have really tried to do this without asking for assistance, these themes are getting so different from old-school WP days. Better, but also not as straight forward for custom work.

I need to have a custom header on some of the pages in my website. I have made a custom page template, I figured I could just call my custom header template out on those custom page templates, but I can’t figure out how to:

  • Create a new header template
  • Call-out header templates in the page template

I have looked online and may references made to /global/wp_header.php or /integrity/wp_header.php, which I don’t even have at all, maybe these are from an old update and have been done away with.

I am working with a child theme, I am looking in my global and integrity folders to try to solve this.

I just need to add a call button in the header, so it’s not too much restructuring. I just can’t figure out how to reference the new custom header template in my custom page template.

AND FINALLY, while I have you, how do I edit the blog-post landing page? What is the name of that file? Just need an extra class or two.

Thanks in advance.

Hey there,

First, you need to understand the best practices in customizing X especially the x_get_view function. See X was built with best modern development methods.

You can find the old wp-header.php in x\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\integrity. If you’re using another stack, just change integrity. To override that in your child theme, just copy the file to x-child\framework\views\integrity. X has a mechanism to detect the old structure for backwards compatibility.

The blog page is powered by _index.php located in x\framework\views\global. If you mean single blog post, it’s using wp-single.php located in x\framework\views\integrity. Change integrity if you’re using a different stack.

If you have a tight deadline, we do have an in-house custom development team that offer paid services, who may be able to assist. They can be contacted at if this is of interest to you.


HA! Well I just hired someone at to do something on this for me…not the same issue, but I’m at the end of my budget for this.

Out of curiosity, since I didn’t know you provided this service, how much would you have charged? What is the scope of the projects I can hire you for?

So, none of these could be duplicated, renamed, edited to create custom header? That’s what I’ve been trying…

I have a custom page template built in a x-child/framework/views/integrity/template-home.php and I need to call out a custom header. The template works

I have x-child/framework/views/integrity/template-home.php page template calling out <?php get_header('home'); ?> for the header.

I have a saved x-child/framework/views/integrity/wp-header-home.php with a little custom button that I need to get.

The page template is unsuccessful at calling out the custom header-home, rather it’s calling out the default x-child/framework/views/integrity/wp-header.php. I can see when I add my changes into that file, they’re reflected.

So, what’s going on? Why does my <?php get_header('home'); ?> not work to get the wp-header-home.php? What am I doing wrong.




Thanks for sharing your solution.

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