Buy Button suddenly gone in Woocommerce and prices gone in simple products

Hi, my website is
Just today I realized that the BUY NOW buttons across my entire woocommerce shop are gone and the prices are not showing on my simple products - Price on my (one) current variable product show up once all options are chosen, but BUY button never appears.

All of this had been working when I last looked at the site- about 3 days ago.

I don’t know what to look for or what how to troubleshoot. Previously I had issues with prices not showing on mobile which I got help with here eventually but now prices and buttons are gone completely!!!

Also I wish we could get an email notification as to when our questions are answered here. That’s a wish/suggestion since it takes a bit of time now it’s too easy to forget to check in here.

Hi There,

Please make your WooCommerce plugins is at 3.1.1 version.

X is not compatible with the latest version of the WooCommerce plugin yet:


Thanks -we figured it out… there was a conflict elsewhere - are they ever gonna get email notifications going that a response has been posted here?- it would be a tremendous help!


You can enable it in your Forum Profile > Preferences > Emails & Forum Profile > Preferences > Notification
