Bug revolution slider

I have found a bug with cloudflare , could be possible to give me a proper solution of this bug . It does not charge only on google chrome browser. thanks

Rocket Loader™ BETA Improve load time for pages that include JavaScript.

How could be possible to avoid this javascript of being ¨improved by the rocket¨ ?

I have found this https://www.themepunch.com/faq/add-data-cfasyncfalse-attribute-scripts/

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! Could you please try adding the code in your referenced resource into your child theme’s functions.php file. If you don’t have a child theme yet, you can follow the guide here (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-how-to-setup-child-themes/57).

Or else you need to follow this path (https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200168306-Is-there-a-tutorial-for-Page-Rules-).

Hope that helps.

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