BuddyPress Register Page - edit in cornerstone?

Hi Team X,

Thank you so much for all the Buddypress guidance over the last few weeks - AHmazing!

We’re hoping for a custom Cornerstone Registration page, with some help from a BP register form plugin. Everything seemed to be working correctly and we did find the Register page assignment in the Buddypress settings section. Unfortuantly when we point this page to a CS designed page the page design is overwritten by the standard BP register form and CS will no longer load for edits.

The goal is to have a CS page with a Registration Form designed and accessed through all the different “Register” links on the site. Is this possible?

Hi @DeeDesign,

  • The BuddyPress pages are dynamically generated by BuddyPress. So you cannot edit it in Cornerstone. Whatever content you may have in that page will just be replaced by BuddyPress and its template.

  • Basically BuddyPress shop page doesn’t pull the content from the page editor, instead, it uses BuddyPress template located in BuddyPress template directory wp-content/plugins/buddypress/members/index-register.php some of these files are modified by X inside wp-content/themes/x/buddypress/.

  • Which means customizing the BuddyPress pages need PHP code development, you can either edit the PHP files for customizing the shop page or use BuddyPress “HOOKS” on your child theme fucntion.php to add additional content on your BuddyPress pages https://codex.buddypress.org/developer/buddypress-hooks-actions-filters/

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Thank you Thai - would it be easiest to adjust the code to redirect all the links that are pointing to the auto register page, to instead point to another page?

Do you recommend any plugins to assist with this process?

Hey @DeeDesign,

That is possible with custom development which is regretfully outside the scope of our support. However I found a similar thread that may help you in your situation, please see https://buddypress.org/support/topic/using-the-wordpress-login-and-register-pages-instead-of-buddypress/

Thank you for your understanding.

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