Breadcrumb customize and add categories

Hi, I need to customize breadcrumb to include parent categories within.

For example: a structure of categories that I have is the following: category called “News” and within this category the post. Worse in the breadcrumb only appears home-> title of the post and I want it to appear home> news> title of the post.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me, thank you very much.

Hi Ricard,

To achieve that, please setup a child theme first:

Then follow this ticket:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

This shows a parent category but I need to show all parent categories not just one.

Hey Ricard,

That is technically possible. However, that would fall beyond the scope of our support since it would require custom development. You need to contact a 3rd party developer to help you with this.

Thank you for understanding.

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