Blog post gallery images

How can I get my blog post images in scrolling gallery in X pro
like this :

I just want to show my images in gallery slider mentioned in link above by X Pro ,
not full width like this but similar like gallery slider.

I applied all the methods in this link mentioned by Xtheme .

and my blog post is :

I set Post Fromat in “Gallery” too but nothing works
My stack is integrity

kindly help
Thank You

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in!

The slider is loading fine in your blog page, but its hidden due to a custom CSS added to your child theme CSS file.
Here is the CSS.

.single.single-post .entry-featured {
    display: none;

Not sure if you have added this CSS for any other reason, please remove it to fix the issue.


Thank you it worked

Glad to know!

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