Blog Plugin to add author info?

Does anyone have any recommendations on a plugin or extension or other way to have author information appear at the bottom of every blog post?

We will have regular authors and some guest authors. We want some standard short info on the author to appear automatically at the bottom of each blog post. I’m hoping we can use the information we can add to user profiles for that or at least a way to relate the information to the author type of user so they author doesn’t have to remember to do it. A nice to have is if the admin can post as the blog author, some of whom will not be very tech savvy.

If I can do it with the new standard content block templates in Pro instead, that would be fine. (Just need to understand how to do it… :smile:)

I’d prefer things that are know to work with the Pro Theme.

have you tried the shortcode?

[author title="About the Author"]

This will use the information provided in the wordpress user profile

I use Simple Author Box, works very well with Pro and Plugins like MEC. I have it simplified for my Page with a bit Custom CSS.

To see here after the Article

Thanks! I’ve only just heard of short code this week since I am just learning Word Press and the Pro theme. I’ll look at that as an option.

Thanks for that suggestion. I’ll look at that plugin!

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