Blog Plugin & Comment Plugin

Im looking for some thing to stylize my blog posts so they have a lot of display options with cool features. Same for the comments stylizing I cant find anything that works the ones I found are all broken or poorly developed.

Anyone know any ? Im actually surprised Theme Co has nothing like this with the theme since wordpress is for blogs originally.

Hello @rotation,

By default, there are stacks. Each stack have different designs for blog.

If that doesn’t suit your needs and for more blog options, we can use ESSENTIAL GRID and THE GRID. Those 2 plugin have different skins to get the design you need. We can even build a custom skin to show the information needed and design as needed.

Hope this helps.

More not like a grid like a list like this

Hello @rotation,

Thanks for updating the thread.

You use external 3rd party plugins. I am sharing few that you can take a look:

Please note that the plugins I have shared is not a official Themeco advice. It’s just a personal input that I have shared with you to help you get started. 3rd party plugins may cause some issues and we won’t be able to provide support in that scenario.


thanks ill take a look

You’re most welcome!

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