

That´s the page

and that´s the problem:

I want the title “Gerlinde´s Blog” shown in WHITE, the blog entries should remain with an orange headline but the text within the blog should be black/grey.

Then I got a reply from which said I should

Add the following code to Theme Options CSS

.h-landmark {
color: white;

entry-wrap {
color: black;

But it only affected the headline. The entry text is still white. I need to change the color manually to black.

Any suggestions?


Hi Stefan,

Please also add this CSS:

.entry-content.content {
    color: #000;

Hi Thai,

that changes the color on every page, even “kontakt” and “über mich” where the font should remain white.

another thing: how can I insert a header image between the top menubar and the headline “gerlinde´s blog”?

Thanks for your help!

Hi There,

Please update the previous CSS to this:

.blog .entry-content.content {
    color: #000;

Please add the following code under functions.php file locates in your child theme:

add_action( 'x_before_view_global__index', 'print_custom_header' );
function print_custom_header(){
	if( is_home() ){
		<div id="blog_section" class="x-section" style="margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px; background-color: transparent;">
			<div class="x-container max width" style="margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;">
				<div class="x-column x-sm x-1-1" style="padding: 0px;">
					<img src="" />

would this be located on the ftp server under / ?

cause there are many index.php files on this server and frankly I am not very used to coding. that´s why I bought the X theme in the 1st place.


Hi again,

Please setup a child theme ( ). This allows you to make code changes that won’t be overwritten when an X update is released. After your child theme is setup, please review how we recommend making template changes in following article: Customization Best Practices ( )

Then you can add the above code by just logging into WordPress and navigating to Appearance > Editor and select functions.php under Templates on right hand side (see screenshot) Just make sure you’ve installed Child Theme

Let us know how this goes!

okay, that´s too much for me.

something different about colors again:
how can I change the meta data (date and author) from white to black within blog posts and the blog overview?

I also noticed the css for blog entry-content only works on the overview page. click on the 1st blog post and it´s white again.

thanks for your help!

Hi again,

Please add the following code in your Customizer:

.p-meta, .p-meta>span>a, .blog .entry-content.content, .single .entry-content.content {
    color: #000 !important;

Let us know how this goes!

Okay, we are getting there, but still issues.

When I click on the blog category “allgemein” (generall) the text in the blog is white again…

Thanks for your help!

Hi again,

Please replace the previous code with this:

.p-meta, .p-meta>span>a, .blog .entry-content.content, .single .entry-content.content, .archive .entry-content {
    color: #000 !important;

Let us know how this goes!

Okay, seems to work.

Next thing I noticed:
If I click on a blog entry I see the archive to the right.

but the line “Neueste Beiträge” which means “newest blog entries” is written in orange with white edges?
how can we write it in pure WHITE?

thanks for your help again!

Hi again,

Please add the following code in your Customizer as well:

.h-widget {
    color: #fff !important;


Okay, seems to work but there is another thing!

When I display the page

with Chrome and Opera the text


Juli 2017


Beitrags-Feed (RSS)
Kommentare als RSS

is written twice? It´s kind of an overlay…

I already emptied my browser cache. Is there another css code to copy paste? :smiley:

Hi again,

You can add the following code to fix the issue:

.widget {
    text-shadow: none !important;

Let us know how this goes!

Okay Nabeel,

for the time beeing it seems to work - thank you very much!!

Can I ask you to forward some feedback to your managers/supervisors? It would be great to have some easy to use buttons and modification sliders instead of all those css adjustments.

Thanks for your time anyways!

Hey Stefan,

Glad it works. X is highly customizable, you can customize everything using Customizer but certain requests requires custom development and custom scripts. However I’ll forward your concern to the development team.


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