Best way to create a Blog using Pro?

Hey Guys,

I am having trouble on the best way to create a blog.

Normally I would try to use the Default WordPress Functionality of the way there is a main Blog Page set as the “Posts Page” and then that page would populate with the Single Posts. Then Single Posts would of course still have their own Page.

I cant seem to find the best way to create a blog that would auto populate with the WordPress Posts.

Do people normally create static Blog Page with Pro, and then Static Post Pages that you manually link to from your Blog Page? And instead use templates for the static pages?

Any information would be greatly appreciated thanks!

Hi @freedomdesign,

Thank you for writing in, the common way to create a blog page is what you describe.

Blog Page set as the “Posts Page” and then that page would populate with the Single Posts

That is a common way, unfortunately, it’s not possible to edit the Blog page in the Content Builder (at least not yet)

But some user wants to customize their blog page, so they do not set it as “Posts Page” but edit it on Content Builder/Cornerstone.

They use the Essential Grid or The Grid extension to showcase their posts.

Hope it helps,

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