Bed and Breakfast (Images Not Showing)

At I am trying to use the Bed and Breakfast expanded demo. Two issues on the front page…
I have used the provided code right under the slider, but my images aren’t populating:

Family Portraiture Starting at $199
Senior Portraiture Starting at $195

Secondly, the title “Take A Moment to Explore Our Rooms”, which is right under the top slider… I can’t find where to alter that text. It’s not in my Cornerstone view anywhere.

Thank you!


Hey Marty,

Thanks for writing in!

How did you modify the raw content element? Did you inserted it in Cornerstone or in the WP editor.
Please make sure that you are using this code:

<div class="x-bnb-image-grid">

  <a href="">
    <span class="bg" style="background-image: url(;"></span>
      <span>Family Portraiture</span>
      <small>Starting at $199</small>

  <a href="">
    <span class="bg" style="background-image: url(;"></span>
      <span>Senior Portraiture</span>
      <small>Starting at $195</small>


It seems that the output contains empty <p> tags and there are a few <br> tags also.

The “Take A Moment to Explore Our Rooms” is a custom headline element. It is now displaying in the Cornerstone preview because of the <hr> element in it. You can use the skeleton mode to edit the page for faster response and easy access of the elements on the preview area.

Hope this helps.

I’ve used that code and it does not show the images when I view the site. Look at You’ll see the image placeholder area is grey.

It’s strange because I can see it fine in when working in Cornerstone - but when I view live, it’s gone.

Hey There,

The output of the code is still broken. Could you please provide us access to your site so that we can investigate further? You can provide your site credentials in a secure note. To know how to create a secure note, please check this out:

Thank you in advance.

Just replied with my WP credentials. Thank you!

Hi There,

I couldn’t replicate this issue this on my local installation.

But I’ve copied the HTML code and pasted the text element, it’s working perfectly now.

Could you please switch to the text element instead?


Well it’s in there twice now… so, which one do I delete? Why did one work and the other did not? You said you couldn’t replicate the issue, but when I look at the site in Google Incognito mode, it’s obvious one pair of images is not working and one is. You can’t see that?
When you say switch to the text element, what do you mean?



Hello Marty,

I have logged in and edited your page. I removed the content using the raw content element and let the text element handles your code. It is weird because in our installation, the content inside a raw content element is working. Anyways, there could be some issue or conflict on the page because you have Gutenberg enabled. For now, I have resolved your issue and the images are now displaying as it should.

Please check your site now.

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