Automatic update for theme not working


I recently moved our website from a multisite to a standalone version, using these instructions:

The automatic theme update wasn’t working because it was a multi-site, and I was hoping that it would work now that it’s been reverted to a standalone, but it’s not working. It’s been over 12 hours and I also tried the “check now” option in the validation section, but it doesn’t update. Current version is 6.2.0. The dashboard shows that 6.5.5 is the latest version available.

I tried clearing the cache according to these instructions–the site does not have an active caching plugin:

Could there be a setting somewhere, perhaps left over from the multisite, that is getting in the way somehow?


Hi Alison,

That is actually okay because the latest update for X 6.5.6 and Cornerstone 3.5.5 are not yet available in automatic updates but only for manual updates that is why you are not getting the notification on your wordpress admin.

Hope this explains it.

Hi Jade,

I understand what you are saying, that there’s a new version that will be available soon. I’m just surprised that the automatic update doesn’t recognize that the theme version for my website is currently out of date with what is available now. Check now responds “Nothing to report”, when in fact there are updates needed and available. Below I’ve pasted in what the update box shows.

Should I wait for X 6.5.6 to be available? I’m really hoping that I don’t have to go back to manual updates (which is what I was doing when it was a multi site)?


Hello @liblearn,

Thanks for updating the thread.

X Theme version 6.5.6 won’t be available on automatic updates as they were updates related with compatibility guidelines of Themeforest. So this version will have to be updated manually. So if someone is running X Theme version 6.5.5 and wishes to update to version 6.5.6 will have to update theme manually.

Here’s excerpt from our changelog:

To comply with changes in ThemeForest compatibility guidelines we have released an additional point release for X and Cornerstone. The changes below will be made available in Pro as part of the cycle that is currently in development. These versions will only be available via manual updates and ThemeForest directly.


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