Audio player download link

I would dearly love to have the audio player in Renew display a download link. At the moment I have to add a button with the url link beneath the player, which is OK but not too stylish.


Thank you for writing in!

We can check it better if you could post some logins details in a secure note and we`d be happy to take a look.

P.S: You can search by “secure note” on this article if you don`t know about this:

Hi There,

Unfortunately, I did not see where the audio element is on your site. I did check multiples pages. To clarify, by default audio element doesn’t have download functionality. See available options here: What you did is correct, adding a button for download function. To style this button, we can add class to it, then assign styles to this class using custom CSS. For more detailed guide in customizing buttons please check this link:

Hope this helps.

I’ve tried the button idea suggested. I put a link to my WP mp3 file in the button, but it just opens a player rather than downloading the file - is there any kind of code to force the browser to initiate a download?


Hi there,

You should install download manager plugin because your site has to tell the browser that audio file is served through download stream (example is application/octet-stream mime type).

If you don’t then the browser will use the device’s default application (or browser addon like HTML5 player) for that file type.
