Anchor links not working on Mobile

Hi guys,

Myself and a friend are both having an issue where the Menu Anchor links work fine on desktop, but don’t work AT ALL on Mobile. You click and nothing happens / moves.

Please let us know what the fix is for this :slight_smile: Bit of a mess because we have multiple sections for mobile obviously in cornerstone.


Hi Chris,

Can you confirm that you are fully updated? (Theme and Plugins)

The latest version numbers are:
Pro 2.0.4
X 6.0.4
Cornerstone 3.0.4

If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.


Hi there,

Yes I can confirm that all plugins and themes are up to date.

I have a suspicion to what is causing the problem. I used some JS from another forum post to make the navbar transparent over the first section in cornerstone, and I suspect this is causing the issue.

jQuery ( function($) {

$(window).on(‘scroll’, function() {

if ( $(this).scrollTop() > 0 ) {
$(’.x-navbar’).css(‘background’, ‘#153044’);
} else {
$(’.x-navbar’).attr(‘style’, ‘’);

} );

} );


.x-navbar {
-webkit-transition: .5s; /* Safari */
transition: .5s;

Hi There,

As I don’t have the site URL so it difficult to suggest you the exact issue. I can only suggest you to please remove all custom JS and CSS to check if this is causing the issue also you can disable all third party plugins.

If that doesn’t help Please send us your website details so that we can have a look.


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