Anchor link not working

I am having a similar issue with this website:
When you scroll down to the contact section, it does NOT show that it is on the section.

It does hit the top of the screen but I am unsure on how to fix it this issue.

Hi Howard,

Thank you for writing in, but I can’t see your site, seems to be a CloudFlare security.

Regarding your issue, please make sure there is no unclose <a> tag or any HTML tag on your content. And clear all your caching feature as well including CloudFlare cache.


My site has the same behavior in that it hides the top of the page above the anchor when using a sticky header.
The site seems to be displaying normally now, but mine is not.

I’ve created a bare-bones page to test the anchor display position: When the “Go to example headline” link is accessed, the Example Headline moves to the top of the page, behind the sticky header.

Hi @rkrous,

Thank you for writing in, the one-page navigation should work without any additional custom code, would you mind removing (commenting out) all the custom CSS and custom JS you added on Theme Options? I see a JS error on your site so that might be it.

If the issue persists, please do testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third-party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

Remember to clear all your caching features (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache) for the changes to apply immediately.

If all else fails, try the solution provided here.

Let us know how it goes,

Problem was with Ubermenu. I see that Ubermenu is posted in this forum as a problem for sticky headers. I used the work-around JQuery posted by Paul.r:

On his code, adjust the line “var navbarFixedTopHeight = 80 ;” to place the anchor where you wish.

Hey @rkrous,

Thank you sharing the work around with us and we’re glad you sorted it out.


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