Align bottom of background image to bottom

When I look at the back ground image of my row on different size screens, the bottom gets cut off, but the bottom of the image is most important. Is there a way to set the background image to be centered bottom, instead of center, center?

see here:

Hey @StacieB,

You can change the background position to center bottom. For more position options, please see


I don’t see this setting in your screen shot anywhere - where would it be?

Hi there,

You can add multiple options in the field with space.

Hope this helps!


This option is not available on my screen. What element are you using to achieve this? This is what I see when I click on the image:

Hi again,

Thanks for the screenshot. Those are the column’s settings, you can access it by clicking on Column link (see screenshot)

Can you please let us know which element you’re using?


I don’t have a column link… I’ve tried clicking on every option for this section, there is only a row…

Hi again,

That’s because you don’t have a column in there. You’ll find those settings in your section’s settings I believe. Looks like you’re using an old version of the theme that’s why you’re not seeing those options. Please update your theme and plugins to the latest version first. You can find the latest version numbers here: ( Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site.

If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

Let us know how this goes!

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