Ajax transition to blog

Hey there,
I found this website
and when you click right here: http://prntscr.com/oijpr2

you will see a smooth transition to the content. this was made using ajax right?
how would you consider using ajax to display my blog, from a SEO perspective?
do you know alternatives to achieve a similar effect? And if so do you have some tips for my developer to achieve such a smooth transition in the pro theme?

thanks for your help!

Hello @zerotoone.de,

Thanks for writing in!

SEO wise, I don’t think it will be of an issue. Now a days search engines are much better at processing Javascript, so it won’t be an issue on SEO front.

Changes or the effect you are looking for will require some custom development work which falls outside the scope of support we can offer. You can also look for infinite or automatic blog page load. You can take a look at following post for some inputs.


thank you. how would you recommend to get a similar layout, text on the left and changing image on the right?
Should I go for the image element or the background image approach?

Hello @zerotoone.de,

It could be easier to setup if you go with the background image approach so that the image size will be dependents on the size of its container. If you set the container height to be 100% of the vertical height of the screen, the background image will adjust accordingly.

Hope this helps.

but what should I do, if I want the background image to appear only on 2/3 of the page width. should I go for the 1/3+2/3 column approach and set the image as the background of the container?

Hi @zerotoone.de,

Yes, that is some of kind 1/3 + 2/3 Column layout with the background (image/video) on the 2/3 Column. But you need customization to really achieve the effect that you need and regretfully we cannot provide support for that.

Have you already take a look at the Revolution Slider, because this page full-screen layout is basically a slider, you might not get the exact effect but it should be close to that.

Sample slider


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