After Updates -> Video in Essential Grid not longer visible

Hi there,

I can’t figure out why my videos did not play anymore after update.

All is Up to Date.
Disabled all plugins except Essential Grid -> No success.
Deleted all custom CSS -> No success.

Can someone take a look at this issue and help me out?
Thank you,

Hey @mickna,

I’ve replicated your setup and the issue happens in my test site too. It’s because of the added group name which can’t be removed in the lightbox settings.

The previous version does not have it as I’ve seen also in your live site.

Your staging site has it.

I’ll post this in our issue tracker so the person in charge of bundled third party plugins will forward this to ThemePunch in due time. Please stay tuned for updates.


Hey @christian_y,

thank you for your investigation.
I really hope to get feedback soon (like all other customer also with their problems) smile

Thank you and have a great weekend,

Thanks, Michael. You have a nice weekend, too!

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