Adjust spacing beteen objects

On my site I am trying to adjust the spacing so that the gaps between text and lines all appear the same. I have tried playing about with margins and padding but to luck.

Please see above image. I would also like to move the table up a bit so that it lines up with the rest of the text


Hi There,

Add the following code to theme options CSS and adjust according to your wish.

.x-container.max {

    max-width: 1250px;

.x-container.width {

    width: 93%;

Hope it helps!

Sorry you misunderstood my question. The width is OK.
I am trying to adjust the vertical gaps. So I want the vertical gaps shown in green to be the same height as the gap shown in red,

Hi There,

On this line element, please add a CLASS mvn

screenshot screenshot

Learn more about Spacing Helper Classes here:

Hope it helps,

Thanks this sorted out the spacing perfect.

But how do I move the table up so that the top aligns with the top of the adjacent text ‘Boots hearing care’
I can’t seen to do this by adjusting the class for the text “Opening Hours:”

Hi There,

Add a class mbs mtn to your Opening Hours heading.

<p class="mbs mtn"><b>Opening Hours:</b></p>


Perfect, many thanks.

You’re most welcomne!

I notice the table is no longer moved up in-line with the text on the right-hand-side.
This fix doesn’t work anymore, I don’t understand why ?

Hi again,

To fix the issue, add the following code in your Customizer as well:

p:empty {
    margin: 0 !important;

Hope this helps!

Perfect thanks

You’re most welcome!