Adding links to feature boxes


I have search and looked at all the replies to this problem and tried

But it doesn’t work. Everyone says they fiddled and got it to work… but what did they do? Any ideas?

I have added the url to the js.

This is my page here and its the five circled elements - only added it to one to make it work so far.

Thanks in advance

I have deleted the user above, apologies - new details now in secure note

I have removed the ID as it was breaking the link on the text - just an FYI

Hi There,

Please follow these steps:

  • Add link1, link2, link3, link4, link5 classes to your feature boxes:

  • After that add this custom JS under Theme Options > JS:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	$(".link1").find('img').wrap('<a href="" />');
	$(".link2").find('img').wrap('<a href="" />');
	$(".link3").find('img').wrap('<a href="" />');
	$(".link4").find('img').wrap('<a href="" />')
	$(".link5").find('img').wrap('<a href="" />');

Hope that helps and thank you for understanding.


That works - thanks so much for your help!

You’re welcome.

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