Adding link to the image of Classic Feature Box

Hi, I’ve tried adding a link to the Classic Feature box, but I can only add the link to the Title of the box. I need the images of every box to be clickable. How can I do that? thanks.

Hi Francesco,

Thank you for writing in, regretfully there is no option on Classic Feature Box element to make the image a link. However, we can use a jQuery to link the image when its click, but please keep in mind that I can only point you in the right direction with the understanding that it would ultimately be your responsibility to take it from here.

First is to apply an ID to your Feature Box

Then add this to your Page > JS area

jQuery ( document ).on('click', '#linked-feature-box', function() {
window.location = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href');
} );

Notice the #linked-feature-box that should correspond to your feature-box ID.

Lastly, add this to your Page > CSS area, to make it appear clickable.

#linked-feature-box {
cursor: pointer;

Hope it helps,

thank you, that helped

We are delighted to assist you with this.


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