Adding Footer in Sidebar

I have been enjoying the X Theme.

Have set up a website

Would like to add a footer underneath the menu (bottom of page beneath search). How would I go about doing that ?

Thank you !

  • Mark

Hello Mark,

Thanks for writing in! Because what you are trying to accomplish requires a template customization, we would highly to suggest that you use a child theme. This allows you to make code changes that won’t be overwritten when an X update is released. After your child theme is setup, please review how we recommend making template changes in Customization Best Practices.

Once you have your child theme active and ready, please follow the following steps below:
1] Using Notepad or TextEdit or Sublime Text or any text editor, please create a new file in your local machine.
2] Insert the following code into that new file


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Outputs the navbar.
// =============================================================================

$navbar_position = x_get_navbar_positioning();
$logo_nav_layout = x_get_logo_navigation_layout();
$is_one_page_nav = x_is_one_page_navigation();


<?php if ( ( $navbar_position == 'static-top' || $navbar_position == 'fixed-top' || $is_one_page_nav ) && $logo_nav_layout == 'stacked' ) : ?>

  <div class="x-logobar">
    <div class="x-logobar-inner">
      <div class="x-container max width">
        <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_brand' ); ?>

  <div class="x-navbar-wrap">
    <div class="<?php x_navbar_class(); ?>">
      <div class="x-navbar-inner">
        <div class="x-container max width">
          <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_nav', 'primary' ); ?>

<?php else : ?>

  <div class="x-navbar-wrap">
    <div class="<?php x_navbar_class(); ?>">
      <div class="x-navbar-inner">
        <div class="x-container max width">
          <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_brand' ); ?>
          <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_nav', 'primary' ); ?>

        <div class="fixed-footer" style="position: absolute; width: 100%; bottom: 0;">
		    <div class="custom-content-container x-container max width">
		      <!-- your custom content code here -->
		      <p>All Rights Reserved.</p>
		      <!-- your custom content code here -->


<?php endif; ?>

3] Save the file named as _navbar.php
4] Upload this file to your server in the child theme’s folder wp-content/themes/x-child/framework/legacy/cranium/headers/views/global/

You will need to create the folder path first as this might not yet existed in your child theme.

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

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