Adding blog posts to an element

I have a page titled Raw University. It is devoted to educating our page visitors and customers on the benefits of feeding a balanced raw diet to canines as well as dispelling the rumors. I have linked many articles and videos on this page but would also like to, at the bottom of the page, link to all of the blog posts that all devoted to education.

I have managed to do it in a text form by adding a widget, but it is boring and only text links. I would like to bring in the featured image as well as “X” amount of the post.

The page I am referring to is here: Raw University At the bottom, I have fashioned something manually that I would like to replicate automatically using all posts that meet the following criteria =Raw University but NOT sub-post, as many of my posts are broken down across several pages.


Regretfully this isn’t a feature offered by X, you can use the recent post element but this does not include an excerpt.

You can try these third party plugins.

Hope that helps

Thanks for the reply. I guess I am just going to do it the hard way… It looks better with X/Pro anyway

Hi Robert,

Or maybe you can came up something with the Essential Grid extension, this has ability to display a posts in beautiful grid and filter it.

Essential Grid - Introduction


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