Adding another font family

I have setup the font that I use throughout my site using (Lato) and I want to use another font here and there on different quotes and callouts. Is this a fairly easy task to setup? I have limited knowledge around using Typekit, I think my fonts were set up using it however it’s been a few years since I set up!

Any help around just adding 1 other font family would be great.

Hi There,

You should setup a child theme first:

To add a separate google font, please add this custom CSS under style.css file locates in your child theme.

@import url(',500,700');

You can find the import CSS from this link:

After that add this custom CSS under style.css file as well:

.x-callout {
     font-family: 'Quicksand', sans-serif;

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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