Add custom header to Integrity Single Blog page

Hi there, I’ve been wrestling with this design question all morning and would love a moment of your time please.I realize this is outside of the scope of regular support but will be forever grateful if you can help me. I’m simply trying to add a subtitle heading to a “Revolution Slider” add on that goes on the bottom of each individual blog post. The slider that I’m currently using shows three “Related Blog Posts” to that category. But I’m trying to add a simple heading above the slider that says: “You may also be interested in:”

Is there any way you can guide me to add this title to the .php function page or even natively using JS maybe in the custom slider?

thank you so much again. (I’m providing login details for my WP site)
screen grab of bottom of a post:

Hello Stephen,

Thanks for writing in!

Looks like you missed to share site information. Please share the details in secure note and we will try out level best to point you in right direction.


sorry I missed that, thank you!

Hello Stephen,

Thanks for providing the information. I have logged in and edited your site. I added these:

1.) I add this custom php code in your child theme’s functions.php file:

// =============================================================================
// Add related post title
// =============================================================================
function add_related_title($content) {
  // single post
  if( is_single() ){
    $content .= '<h4 class="related_post_title">You may also be interested in:</h4>';
  return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_related_title', 10, 1);
// =============================================================================

2.) And then I added a custom JS so that the title will be displayed first before the slider:


Please check your site now.

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YOU ARE AMAZING!!! Thank you so so very much!!!

You’re welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.

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