A few issues

Hi there,

I am having a few glitches on the website that need your help.

1.) The height of column on Home page under few sections ie professional accreditation and training and education. I would like to set the height of bacground to align with the height of its relevant image. I added gap and set it in %. In the Pro builder it displays fine but when checking on the website. It doesn’t work.


2.) Headline issue. Under page Regenerative Agriculture, the Forestry with Ecology headline doesn’t change when browsing from mobile devices though I copied the element from the previous section.

Many thanks

Hi @Symbiosis,

Thanks for writing in.

  1. Have you tried updating pro to Pro 3.0.4? There’s a whole lot of new features there, including the one that you have mentioned. Here’s a video that might help you achieve what you want https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moJ-Vju8vWc. Please make a backup before upgrading your pro theme.

  2. Looks like you were able to fix this as the headline is now changing it’s size when viewed in mobile devices.

Hope it helps.

Hi there,

1.) It has resolved after updating to a new version.
2.) It remains the issue though. The headline hasn’t yet been fixed. The Forestry with Ecology heading is still too big which doesn’t response to the device. I checked it on Samsung Note 9. The correct headline size should be same as Farming with Ecology.

Many thanks.

Hi @Symbiosis,

The reason why the “FORESTRY WITH ECOLOGY” headline is not responsive as the first two is that it does not have the ID res_text in it. The quick solution is to add the ID res_text to the headline so it will be responsive as the other headline.

Although that will work, I would advise though that you apply the res_text as CLASS because IDs supposed to be unique for each element. Then you would need to update this custom CSS

@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {
	#res_text {
	    font-size: 0.5em!important;

To this:

@media screen and (max-width: 400px) {
	.res_text {
	    font-size: 0.5em!important;

Class and ID Selectors

Hope it helps,

Hi there,

Yest works well now.

Many thanks.

Our pleasure! we’re happy to assist you with this.


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