A Blog/post on Pro theme

Hey there,
I was trying to use the blog feature of wordpress by creating a post. Now I got many questions.

  1. would you recommend the post feature in wordpress to publish an article on my pro powered site?
  2. If so, how do I edit posts in pro? I could not find that functionality
  3. why is this weird thing in my sidebar? https://prnt.sc/omd3tm there is a page within my page on the bottom right

thanks for your help!

Hi @zerotoone.de,

It would be better to just use the default Wordpress editor for posts since most posts are text-based and do not usually have a complex structure. However, you can still use the Pro builder for building the posts if you prefer that.

You will have to enable posts in the Permissions Manager:


Please check the page I have added in the secure note and edit the title. The title has an iframe code that is why it shows an iframe in the recent post widget.

Hope this helps.

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