404 on Cornerstone

Hi Themeco,

I’m running the Pro theme on a multisite and Cornerstone is not running properly. I get this from the console (Dutch):

Lege string doorgegeven aan getElementById().
Transition Error 
Object { error: true, message: "Xfr request made by preview timed out", ts: "ts15264120574220", params: {…}, … }
Object { state: {…}, intent: {…}, router: {…}, data: {}, resolvedModels: {…}, queryParams: {}, promise: {…}, error: undefined, params: {…}, handlerInfos: […], … }
Fout bij brontoewijzing: request failed with status 404
Bron-URL: https://www.sitename.nl/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs.js
Brontoewijzings-URL: cs.map[Meer info]
The preview booted, but never requested the loader be removed. 0
Fout bij brontoewijzing: request failed with status 404
Bron-URL: https://www.sitename.nl/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/css/cs.css
Brontoewijzings-URL: cs.css.map[Meer info]
Fout bij brontoewijzing: request failed with status 404
Bron-URL: https://www.sitename.nl/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js
Brontoewijzings-URL: cs-vendor.map[Meer info]
Fout bij brontoewijzing: request failed with status 404
Bron-URL: https://www.sitename.nl/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs.js
Brontoewijzings-URL: cs.map[Meer info]

Can you help me with this? I can give SFTP access if needed.


Hi Menno,

Thanks for writing in! It could that some of your required Cornerstone dependency files are missing or corrupted.

Try deleting your Cornerstone plugin through your WordPress backend and then head over to X -> Validation section and wait for few seconds to install the latest version automatically.

Let us know how it goes.

Thanks for your response! I completely reuploaded the Pro theme and the issue is still there. Sometimes Cornerstone keeps loading and sometimes only the left part with the sections loads and the preview is missing.

Hi Menno,

Please contact your host and request for the following to be increase.

maximum execution time - at lease 300
php memory limit - at least 512M

Hope that helps.

Hi Paul,

I just contacted the host and they increased the Php Memory Limit. The say it’s not necessary to increase the execution time to 5 minutes. I still get the 404 errors. It looks like something with jQuery, the file /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js

Hey Menno,

In this case, please give us WP admin and FTP access in a Secure Note. Please note that we will do some troubleshooting which might temporarily break your site. If that could not be done in your live site, please copy or replicate your site to a staging or another server.


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