4 Column Row Needs to Go to 2 Columns on Tablets

I searched the KB wide and far and couldn’t find a working solution to what seems like a very common problem (based on the number on support inquiries you guys have on this)…

When viewing a 4-column row on a tablet in portrait, it changes it to a single column with everything in one vertical line. This is not proper on almost all tablets in portrait mode. There is plenty of room to respond down to 2 columns. How do I do this?

Hello There,

Thanks for writing in!

To resolve your issue where in the 4 Column Row Needs to Go to 2 Columns on Tablets, please add the following CSS code in the X > Theme Options > Global CSS (http://prntscr.com/evui3r)

@media(min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px){
    .x-column.x-1-4 {
        width: 48%;
        margin-right: 4%;

    .x-column.x-1-4:nth-child(2n) {
        margin-right: 0;

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

This did not work. Has no effect at all. The 4-column row continues to respond down to 1 column on tablets.

Page in question: https://dgeve.com/10x-medical-device-conference/

See first row of Speakers. The code you gave me is applied site-wide but this is what I specifically wanted to see respond properly to 2 columns.

Hello @co50,

Thanks for updating the thread.

Rather then using auto generated class in for CSS, please add a class name to Column > Customize > Setup > Class. Here is a screencast on how to add a class name to Column.

After that update the previous code with following:

@media(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 979px){
    .screen {
        width: 48% !important;
        margin-right: 4%;

    .screen:nth-child(2n) {
        margin-right: 0;

Note: Screen is the class name that I have used. Please update the class name in above code as per your requirement.

Please make sure to clear cache.

If you would like to learn CSS, I am sharing few resources that you take a look to get started with CSS and an interesting tool that you can use to speed up the development process.

I recommend you to watch following video that will help you to get started with CSS.


Sometimes it can get a bit difficult to find out the right selector to be able to write the required CSS codes. A handy tool that can help you in this is Google Chrome dev tools. I am sharing the resource that you can refer to get started with dev tools.





This does not work. From a dev standpoint it doesn’t really make any sense either. You asked me to put the class in for what, just one of the columns? Why would a class to break an entire row be added to a column and not the row?

Anyway, just for what it’s worth I followed your instructions and the code does nothing in these scenarios:

  • Class added to just one column
  • Class added to all columns in the row
  • Class added to the row

Cache was cleared, I used three different browsers in private mode. Still collapses to one column on tablets.

Hi There,

The float: left attribute is removed under 980px of screen size, so we have to add the float: left to the column. Please try with this custom CSS instead:

@media(min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 979px){
    .x-column.x-1-4 {
        width: 48%;
        margin-right: 4%;
        float: left;

    .x-column.x-1-4:nth-child(2n) {
        margin-right: 0;

Let us know how it goes!

This has no effect.

Cleared cache, tested in 3 diff browsers in private mode. Triple checked existing site CSS to ensure no conflicts - none.

Hi again,

I tested the code via developer’s tool and it works fine, there could be a syntax error in Theme Options > CSS which is preventing the code to work, please check for any missing curly bracket or a syntax error so your code work, you can use the following link to validate your CSS https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/#validate_by_input. In the mean time try installing the Child Theme (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-how-to-setup-child-themes/57) and add the following code in your Child Theme’s style.css file:

@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 979px){
    .x-column.x-1-4 {
        width: 48% !important;
        margin-right: 4% !important;
        float: left !important;

    .x-column.x-1-4:nth-child(2n) {
        margin-right: 0 !important;

Let us know how this goes!

No dice. Not only doesn’t it work, but the page doesn’t even contain the custom CSS code added.

  • No caching plugins installed/active
  • Code added site-wide via theme options > Custom CSS
  • No CSS syntax issues or open brackets. Verified by w3.org validator (“Congrats. No Errors. Found.”)
  • No conflicting CSS
  • Opened page in Inspector with 3 different browsers, in private browsing mode. Custom CSS we added does not exist.
  • Have never ever experienced custom CSS not taking effect upon saving.

As a last resort, I added it to the page’s own custom css rather than the theme CSS (site-wide). Now it works, so there seems to be a bug or override of some kind in your theme that blocks that CSS from taking effect when applied site-wide. Please look into this.

Unfortunately…this code messes up rows consisting of just 2 columns (3/4 + 1/4) on the same page. What is the CSS to only affect 4-column rows?


You need to add a unique class to your row element where your 1/4 columns resides.

Then use that to target your columns.

@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 979px){
  .my-row  .x-column.x-1-4 {
        width: 48% !important;
        margin-right: 4% !important;
        float: left !important;

    .my-row  .x-column.x-1-4:nth-child(2n) {
        margin-right: 0 !important;

That way your code will only affect that specific column.


Sheesh, should have figured that out myself. Thanks. Works perfectly now. Curious as to why applying the CSS site-wide does not work though. :thinking:

Glad to hear it’s sorted.


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